Nestled in the rolling hills of middle Tennessee just south of Music City is my dream come true home studio designed by Steven Durr Designs. The vibe in here is killer.


Computer: Apple Mac Studio
Software: Pro Tools, Ableton Live 12
Connections: Source Connect Standard (jreed), ipDTL, Phone Patch

Interface/Mic Pre: Universal Audio - Apollo x8, Twin x, Octo Satellite, Quad Satellite
Studio Controller / D-A Coversion: Dangerous Music D-Box +
Microphones: Sennheiser MKH-416, Townsend Labs L22 Sphere, Shure SM7B, Shure SM58
Headphones: Audio-Technica ATH-M50x, Audio-Technica ATH-R70x (open back reference)
Near Field Monitors: Barefoot Sound Footprint 01
Monitor Stands: Argosy Spire 360i
Subwoofer: Bag End IPD12E-I Dual 12” Infrared Sub
Outboard EQ: White Instruments 4400 EQ x2

Controllers: Ableton Push 2, NI Maschine Studio
Keyboards: Moog Little Phatty Tribute Edition, NI Komplete Kontrol S49
Instruments: Fender American Telecaster, Taylor Acoustic Guitar, Fender Jazz Bass, Kala Ukele
Studio Furniture: Output Platform Studio Desk,
Output Sidecar

Photos by Amanda Coles - Amber Woods Photos